Favorite Places September 28 2013 1 Comment

Chewsticks and nibbles and Whiskas and kibbles

A yard full of sunshine and a field full of fun,

Vast open spaces with a view from the top,

these are a few of my favourite spots!!



Warm sunshine on the window sill



Even better when someone leaves a cushion on it for me

The size seems just right - I guess I can fit into it


Oh Yes I can, and it even has a velvet lining



Oh those days! I could even fit into the cupboard.


A Yard full of sunshine



3600   World view

See what I mean?

My favorite chair


I could not get the sun rays to bend and come to my favorite chair, so I have to make myself comfy here


The Sand pile - Believe me, they used to take Misty and me to this place where there was miles of this same stuff.


Be absolutely still and it wont be long before I catch that little bird.


Clumsy dog!!!  You just don't get it do you?


Posha says if you sit still for long enough, you can actually catch that bird

A field full of fun